Pennridge Dental’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- All patients felling sick 48 hours prior to their surgical procedure are asked to reschedule their appointment after two weeks.
- All patients, staff and providers are screened immediately upon entering the building.
- Social Distancing
- No visitors in the facility
- If the patient is a minor just one parent in the facility
- Reduced treatment scheduling to eliminate patients in the waiting area
- All staff, providers and patients are required to wear a mask at all times in the building, except during treatment
- The building cleaned and disinfected, specifically for COVID-19 daily when exposed to patients.
- PPE (protective personal equipment) is readily available to insure the safety of our patients and staff
Did you become sick after visiting?
- Please notify us immediately if you become ill 2 days after your visit
- Your CONFIDENTIALITY is covered under HIPAA
- If a case occurs near your visit, you will be notified